We know that every home needs a makeover once in a while

We continuously make improvements to our properties to ensure your homes are well maintained.

This could include:

  • New kitchens and bathrooms
  • New boilers and central heating systems
  • Rewiring
  • Fitting replacement windows and roof tiles
  • Providing insulation and improving the energy efficiency and affordability of your home
  • Carrying out other environmental improvements

Some of our older properties may need some or all of these improvements and because not everything can be done at once, the work carried out each year depends on the condition of the various homes throughout our portfolio.

Wherever possible, we try to take into account customers’ preferences for the type and timing of work we carry out. However, we must make sure that we improve those parts of each home that are in the worst condition. To ensure this, we carry out regular stock condition surveys to establish which of our homes are due for improvements and when this work will take place. We also have a database which tells us the age of kitchens, bathrooms etc. and when they are most likely to need replacing.

If your property is due an upgrade we will be in touch to arrange a visit to your home prior to any work beginning.

For more information, please get in touch.