Your 54North Homes Team

The 54North Homes team are on hand to support you throughout your tenancy, from our Customer Service team who will answer the phone when you call us, to our back office functions that support the smooth running of our service.

In most cases, you will have a designated Housing Officer, Income Officer and Surveyor who will be your main contacts.

To find out who your key contacts are, please login to our customer portal: My54North Homes. If you are not already registered, you just need your Tenancy Reference Number and an email address.

Key contacts

Your Housing Officer can help or give advice if you have any problems with your home or neighbourhood. This includes community safety, problems with neighbours, moving home or referrals for support.

Your Income Officer or our Money Matters Advisor is the person to get in touch with if you have any questions about rent, service charge or benefits.

If you are struggling to pay your rent or bills, you should talk to us as soon as possible as we can signpost you to sources of support.

Your Property Surveyor is responsible for overseeing repairs and maintenance of your property and works closely with our contractors.

The Estates Team maintain communal areas. We provide an estates service, carried out by either our own caretakers and gardeners, or by 54North Homes-approved contractors. Depending on where you live, this may include cleaning of communal areas, gardening, hedge trimming and grounds maintenance.