How 54North Homes can help you

Everyone has the right to live without the fear of domestic abuse.
We are committed to providing support and assistance to anyone affected (whether that be by emotional or physical abuse, or any type of threatening or controlling behaviour).
You do not have to face your problems alone.

You can report domestic abuse to 54North Homes.
However, if you think you are in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask to speak to the police.

We will:

  • Never disclose personal details
  • Keep all of our responsibilities to you as a customer
  • Offer support and advice
  • Offer same-sex/safe place interviews
  • Discuss relevant organisations that provide long-term emotional outreach support when/if you require it
  • Be sensitive and understanding when discussing your housing options
  • React quickly and effectively to make sure you are safe
  • Take relevant action against those who are responsible for domestic abuse using the conditions of our tenancy agreements
  • Give you advice and practicable help with your tenancy and other issues
  • Provide additional security measures to your property if you need them, or if it is appropriate to do so.

Police: In an emergency always dial 999 for immediate help, at other times dial 101 and ask for the crime desk


National Domestic Violence Helpline: Freephone 0808 2000 247 

Runn by the Refuge and Women’s Aid (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


ChildLine: Freephone 0800 11 11 (the number doesn’t show up on phone bills). 

This is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything - no problem is too big or too small.

Victims First: Telephone 0300 1234 148.

Provides victims of crime, including domestic abuse, with support and advice to help them cope and recover.

Victim Support
: Freephone 08 08 16 89 111 or visit:


Broken Rainbow National Helpline – LGBT: Telephone 0300 999 5428

Provides services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and Trans (LGBT) people who are experiencing domestic abuse.


Respect - Support for perpetrators of Domestic Abuse: Telephone on 0808 802 4040

Confidential information and advice to help perpetrators stop their violence and change their abusive behaviours.


Women’s Aid: Telephone on 0808 2000 247

The national 24hour domestic violence helpline.


The Hideout:

Women’s Aid has created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action.


Victim Support (National): Telephone on 0845 303 0900

Victims do not have to contact the police to access the service. Any advice/support will be totally confidential.


MALE: Telephone on 0808 801 0327

A confidential helpline to support male victims of domestic abuse.


ManKind: Telephone on 01823 334244

A confidential helpline is available for all men across the UK suffering from domestic violence or domestic abuse by their current or former wife or partner (including same-sex partner).


National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV): Freephone 0800 970 20 70 or text “NCDV” to 60777

NCDV provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic abuse regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation. The service allows anyone to apply for an injunction within 24 hours of the first contact (in most circumstances). NCDV work in close partnership with the police, local firms of solicitors and other support agencies (Refuge, Women’s Aid etc.) to help survivors obtain speedy protection.

Website:  Email:  Online Referral:


National Stalking Helpline: Telephone: 0808 802 0300

The national stalking network has been established by Network for Surviving Stalking, Protection against Stalking and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust. It is the first national helpline to specialise in providing information and advice to victims of harassment and stalking as well as their friends and family..


Clare's Law - the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, known as Clare's Law gives you a formal mechanism to make inquiries:

  • if you are concerned that your partner may pose a risk to you
  • if you're concerned that the partner of a member of your family or a friend may pose a risk to that individual.

The scheme allows the police to disclose information about a partner's previous history of domestic violence or violent acts. To find out more about Clare's Law and information on how to make an application visit Clare's Law - the domestic violence disclosure scheme.


Forced Marriage Unit: Telephone 020 7008 or email

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is raising awareness about forced marriage across the public sector. We provide expert advice to professionals, especially those confronted by forced marriage for the first time.


Domestic Abuse and Young People:

For information on keeping children safe and identifying the signs of domestic abuse visit the NSPCC website.

The NHS also has this useful directory of sources of support:

What is domestic abuse?

It can affect all members of a community regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, or religion.

Domestic abuse can encompass, but is not limited to:

  • Physical violence, for example: kicking, punching, pushing, slapping, restraining, damaging items of sentimental value, stabbing, attempted murder, murder
  • Sexual violence, for example: non-consensual sexual activity, including rape, sexual assault, making you do things you don’t want to do, or refusing safe sex
  • Financial, for example: taking or controlling your money, running up debts, withholding benefit books or bank cards
  • Emotional/Psychological, for example: making you unhappy, verbal abuse, humiliation, constant criticism, intimidation, isolation, enforced trivial routines
  • Coercive/controlling, for example: restricting freedom, controlling who the victim sees, where they go, what they wear and what they do, imprisonment, stalking and forced marriage.

Frequently asked questions

If you need to leave your home immediately, make sure you have all of your personal documents and essential belonging easily accessible, for example:

  • Contact details for the local refuge
  • Contact details for family member who can provide refuge
  • Legal documents (passport/birth certificate/driving licence)
  • Money/bank cards
  • Change of clothes for yourself and children

If you are concerned that someone may see what you have been looking at online, there are a few things you can do to minimise the chances of them finding out.

You can delete your browser history by following the guides below. Click on the link for whichever browser you use for instructions on how to do it.

Most internet browsers also have a ‘Private Browser’ mode you can use. Entering this mode allows you to view web pages without any history, cookies, or temporary internet files being saved. This allows you to cover your tracks while you browse without having to remember to delete everything afterwards.

The safest way to cover your tracks is to access the internet from a computer at an internet café, local library, or a friend/family member’s house.

If you are homeless, or worried that you may become homeless due to domestic abuse, you can get urgent advice and help from the Housing Department of your Local Authority who will assess your situation and decide whether they have a duty to give you housing, or other practicable help. They can also give you advice on where else to go for help and what your rights are. All Local Authorities have a 24-hour telephone service for people in emergency situations.

You could also go to your GP, health visitor, or social worker who can get advice on your behalf. The police can also offer assistance and advice in relation to domestic abuse.

We will never inform the person responsible for the abuse that we have spoken to you. Your safety is our main concern and we will not take any action against this person without speaking to you first.

In most cases we will only take action if you give us your permission or consent. Exceptions to this could occur if we feel that you or someone else is at immediate significant risk of harm.

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme(DVDS), also known as “Clare’s Law” is there to help you find out if your partner has a history of abuse. If you are concerned that you do not know your partner's true past, Clare's Law is there to provide you with protection.

In 2009, Clare Wood was murdered by her ex-partner who had a history of violence against women. Following this, 'Clare's Law' was brought in which is formally known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme - it allows people to request domestic violence history relating to their partner (for example, when beginning a new relationship).

The majority of people may know their partner has been convicted, but do you know the real reason or just what your partner has told you?

Clare's Law can be accessed by contacting the police, who will carry out checks to show whether or not a person may be at risk of domestic abuse from their partner. The police will then consider whether or not to disclose this information.

If you are in a relationship and a victim of domestic abuse, then it is important that you seek help immediately. If you feel unable to end your relationship due to concerns about your partner's behaviour, then it may be possible to seek a non-molestation order to provide yourself and any children of the family with protection.